I could feel the energy buzzing through my body. I could sense a light emanating from my body and up through my crown. I could feel the seed of Universe and God within me. I could hear the words “Amy you are here to be a light.”
This all happened during a meditation on zoom with another spiritual coach. Yes, this is possible in meditation, my love!
When you are deeply connected to Source energy, you experience life differently. Everything is more vibrant, things that don’t seem to make sense in the every day somehow make sense, thoughts come to you that may not have otherwise.
It is certainly hard to describe and I try my best. It is most certainly a skill you can practice and hone, to experience it for yourself.
Imagine if your world was completely black and white and then one morning you woke up and it was filled with the most vibrant colors. THAT is the power of the connection I’m talking about here.
Let me share a story of my experience yesterday….
I participated in this meditation on zoom with another spiritual coach. The meditation was specifically focused on our 2nd chakra, which is our Sacral chakra and our 4th chakra, which is our Heart chakra. She mentioned that our meditation today was going to effectively clear space where we may be holding on to a grudge, or disappointment, or anger toward someone who we feel may have wronged us or hurt us.
Immediately, the women who sent me the incredibly hurtful and hateful messages after writing my book, came to mind. (Yes, they are still occupying space in my mind and body)
Here’s the thing about chakras….when a chakra becomes out of sync, or closed, it can negatively impact your physical, mental, and spiritual health. When we activate, or open these chakras, we are activating its particular function. Here’s a pic to show you more about each energy center or chakra.
Ok back to my story….
One way to activate an energy center, is by tapping on it. (Please do not do this without knowing more details) We closed our eyes and she invited us to begin tapping our fists on our sacral chakra space, along with a breathing technique and the shaking of our head, as a way to “tap into” this space within. The sacral chakra can be an emotional space.
We then moved our tapping up to both sides surrounding our heart chakra.
She then began to speak and while I don’t recall her exact words or the beautiful way she strung them together, the general idea was to bring to mind the person or people you wanted to focus on clearing.
At this point I was feeling, seeing, and hearing Source energy with a strength I’d never experienced. The tapping stopped and I could feel the energy radiating from my hands as I held them in front of my heart.
I could see the women in my mind’s eye, as I spoke outloud, ” I’m sorry for any pain I caused you and I forgive you for the pain you caused me. You were hurt. I accept responsibility for any role I played in hurting you.”
I turned my palms outward and sent the women love, only love. And then, I saw a wall being taken down and knew it’s a wall I’d put up since receiving their messages. It was a barrier to speaking my full truth out of fear that something I say may hurt or offend someone.
And then came the tears, as I said outloud, “I will allow my light of love to be stronger energy than that of fear.”
When the meditation was finished and I opened my eyes, I felt as if I had traveled to another place in meditation. And I had! I had temporarily deactivated or unprogrammed my ego and my thinking brain, and highly activated my energetic soul.
Has this ever happened to you during meditation? I’d love to hear about it! And if you’re curious about how to begin aligning your chakras and accessing this deep part of you, I’d love to help you.