Change in plans….

Written by Amy Banocy

May 20, 2021

So, the type A in me couldn’t figure out how to transition from sharing pics of chemo #1 with 5 more to go and chemo #2 with 4 more to go, to sharing this pic from yesterday, with 10 more to go. It just doesn’t fit the formula I was given for this journey and would certainly confuse others as well.

Then I remembered my live from last week, and channelling the spirit of the bobcat, so if you don’t get this transition and am wondering how I went from have 4 chemos left to now having 10, and want to know more, here you go…

I’m so glad my sis was able to be with me again yesterday. She provides such a calming presence and we passed the time quite quickly with our #sisterchats. I’m not going to lie (I promised 100% honesty here!), I was struggling with anxiety in the days leading up to this treatment. With 5 weeks off from these meds, I didn’t know how it would go or how I’d feel. I realized that I had fallen into a somewhat normal life again over that time and really wasn’t looking forward to all the shit that chemo brings my way. To help process, I cried, I journaled, I shared my feelings with others, and while it didn’t take the anxiety away, it helped me to remember that this is my reality, my journey to walk and so I move forward, carrying ALL the feelings with me.

Unfortunately, I did have quite a bit of nausea with the 2nd of the 2 meds yesterday (carboplatin). Since I had it bad with the initial round 1 and a bit with round 2, I’m assuming my body is readjusting to it after not receiving it for 5 weeks. By the time we got home, I was able to eat a little bit and then try my new medical cannabis oil (FINALLY!) for the nausea and fatigue I was feeling. I’m thrilled to report that it worked really well! Anyone else have experience with this? I’d love to hear!

This morning I woke up pretty nauseous 😕 . I’m hoping fueling myself with some fresh air, lots of water and some oatmeal (trying to eat! ) will help kick it to the curb. If not, it’ll be time for backup….cannabis oil to the rescue…and hoping it works as well as yesterday🤞🏻, so I can make it to my acupuncture appointment.

Thank you so much for all of the love, support and positive, healing energy you all continue to send. It is so appreciated and I feel wrapped in it all the time!! For those of you who’ve asked, I’m also sharing our meal signup again. The meals definitely help and we’re pretty open for summer dates, if you feel called to help us in that way.

I remain filled with so much optimism, love and gratitude!!!

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