Shine bright, dear one

Written by Amy Banocy

July 18, 2024

I rubbed my eyes and stretched, before getting out of bed. The time was 5:40am and as sleepy as I was, I wouldn’t miss this.

We changed out of PJs. I hesitated in front of my flip-flops. Nah, it’s just a short walk and it can’t be that hot out yet.

We crept down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone, and made our way out the front door, and down the short walkway to the beach.

Sunrise at the beach. There’s nothing like it. It’s truly one of my favorite things to witness and it never gets old.

This time, I felt different though. Perhaps because I feel more spiritually connected and more connected to all things and all beings than when I had witnessed her beauty in the past.

As we sat on the step and she began to shine out on the horizon, I said, “Here she comes!!”

As she rose and brought us into the day, I found myself looking around at all the people who’d come out this early in the morning to watch her. Young, old, man, woman, child, dog, etc.

My train of thought then went something like this….

“She’s glorious, magnificent, stunning.

The sun doesn’t feel any pressure.

She doesn’t think things like, “Am I too big?” or “Should I do this differently?”

She just does her thing.”

I found myself saying this out of envy. And then remembered,


She is us and we are her.

We’re beautiful and amazing.

Let’s remember this and do our own thing, without worrying about what others think or whether we should be doing it like someone else.

Do your thing, dear one.



I love you.

xo, Amy

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