Well, hello there!

Hello beautiful and welcome to the blog! I love to write and have been wanting to create this space on my site for quite some time now. With the recent breast cancer diagnosis that has rocked my world, I’m finding myself writing more and thought now would be a great time to put those thoughts out into the world, so, here I am! And I’m so happy you’re here with me!!

My Blog

Day by day

Day by day

It's January 3rd and I have not settled in to the New Year. As I've aged, I've realized it takes me some time. Or perhaps, it's more that Jan 1 to me, is just a transition from the day before, just like any other day. Spring tends to be more of a time of newness for...

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2 years ago today I was getting two areas of my left breast biopsied. Not many people knew. I hoped, of course, that all would be benign and fine. Deep down, I already knew it was cancer. Sometimes we have a way of knowing these things before we know them. This time...

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