I’m dreaming…

I’m dreaming…

How often do you find yourself working or moving toward or even just planning for, the next thing on your list or calendar? GUILTY right here! But lately, I’ve been dreaming again and I am reminded of how fun it is! A blank slate. A fresh, new notebook and...


2 years ago I joined a group called RAW (Re-Awakening Wisdom Daily), facilitated by Alisha Wielfaert, Founder of Yoke and Abundance. We meet on zoom every morning to start our day with journaling, reflection and holding space for one another as we talk about some of...
The real deal…

The real deal…

Imposter Syndrome….perhaps you’ve heard of it…maybe you’ve even experienced it. It’s a real bitch! And it can stop us dead in our tracks and prevent us from doing great work. In case you’re not sure what I’m talking about, it’s that voice inside your head that...