Flow Funk

Flow Funk

Hello friends! I’m dropping another honest and vulnerable post here today. I guess perhaps you’ve come to expect that from me by now?!?! I’ve been in what I’m calling a “flow funk” lately. You know that feeling you get when you’re in the flow? Things are manifesting...

What do I say? I’m struggling here!

Ok, this has been on my mind and heart for a couple weeks now and I’m really hoping someone can give me some advice. Ever since making my cancer journey such a public one, I’ve received a lot of accolades. Considering ‘words of affirmation’ are...
Early morning musings…

Early morning musings…

I don’t really like the cold, yet here I am at 6:15am on my deck, in 45 degree temps. I’m in my pjs, with the softest wrap sweater that was a beautiful gift someone gave me and a cozy blanket wrapped around me, fuzzy slippers on, fleece lined hat covering my bald,...
Holy moly ENERGY!

Holy moly ENERGY!

Good morning friends! This is an unusually early morning for me. I set my alarm for 6:30am, which is already early, but couldn’t sleep and woke up long before that, after spending much of the night tossing and turning, with a mind full of thoughts. I don’t know if...
The real deal…

The real deal…

Imposter Syndrome….perhaps you’ve heard of it…maybe you’ve even experienced it. It’s a real bitch! And it can stop us dead in our tracks and prevent us from doing great work. In case you’re not sure what I’m talking about, it’s that voice inside your head that...