Belief and Gratitude

Written by Amy Banocy

May 26, 2021

This morning I was reminded of the power of gratitude and belief in myself, in others and in the Universe. Amidst my recent anxiety, it brought me peace and calm, to think about what I am grateful for and that the Universe is even grateful for me. For each and every one of us! We are each a gift to this world and that brings joy to my heart and a smile to my face.

Even when (actually, especially when), things don’t seem so sunny in life, it is important to find the good. It doesn’t mean we’re not acknowledging the tough things, but rather we’re able to do both.

While thinking this morning about what I am grateful for, the first thing that came to mind, ironically, is my health. Yup, you read that right. I am in the midst of the toughest health challenge I’ve faced in this life, and I am grateful for my health.

I am grateful that I have taken good care of my body over the years, so it can now have the strength to fight cancer.

I am grateful that I know healthy ways to fuel my body.

I am grateful that I recognize when I need self care and the best ways for me to receive that care.

I am grateful that I have a strong awareness of my mental health and my mindset.

I am grateful for the knowledge I’ve gained about alternative ways to help my body thrive, especially in stressful times.

What are you grateful for today? How did you attract it into your life? How can you continue to attract it and further your belief in the Universe’s plans for you to continue becoming the best version of yourself?

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