Hair today, Gone tomorrow

Hair today, Gone tomorrow

You know that feeling when something you have to tackle seems so big and scary? When you almost can’t imagine doing it. And then you do. And then, this amazing thing happens, now that you’ve done the big scary thing, other things don’t seem so daunting. ...


Last night, surrounded by several of my favorite humans in the world, I did the thing! I buzzed my hair. I had been losing hair in clumps and decided it would be less drastic for me if I had it short, before possibly losing it all completely. Some beautiful gifts came...
It’s not about the hair

It’s not about the hair

What looks like an ordinary selfie, was actually taken for me to have as a memory. This picture marks the first time I blow dried and did my hair since surgery AND will also likely be the last time I do so with this head of hair. People have asked me how I feel about...