Not for naught

Yesterday marked one year since my final full chemo (TCHP) treatment. As you may recall, that day did not go well. As I reflected yesterday, I actually chuckled at this memory. Not because it was funny to me, but rather, because it was a reminder that as much as...
Belief and Gratitude

Belief and Gratitude

This morning I was reminded of the power of gratitude and belief in myself, in others and in the Universe. Amidst my recent anxiety, it brought me peace and calm, to think about what I am grateful for and that the Universe is even grateful for me. For each and every...

What do I say? I’m struggling here!

Ok, this has been on my mind and heart for a couple weeks now and I’m really hoping someone can give me some advice. Ever since making my cancer journey such a public one, I’ve received a lot of accolades. Considering ‘words of affirmation’ are...
Early morning musings…

Early morning musings…

I don’t really like the cold, yet here I am at 6:15am on my deck, in 45 degree temps. I’m in my pjs, with the softest wrap sweater that was a beautiful gift someone gave me and a cozy blanket wrapped around me, fuzzy slippers on, fleece lined hat covering my bald,...