In the theater

I wasn’t going to share this, and I’m not sure why. But, as I sit here, thinking about all the people who may be worrying about something today, I remembered that sharing my story may help someone else. On December 19th, I was at the movie theater with Z. While I...
Day by day

Day by day

It’s January 3rd and I have not settled in to the New Year. As I’ve aged, I’ve realized it takes me some time. Or perhaps, it’s more that Jan 1 to me, is just a transition from the day before, just like any other day. Spring tends to be more of...
I’m dreaming…

I’m dreaming…

How often do you find yourself working or moving toward or even just planning for, the next thing on your list or calendar? GUILTY right here! But lately, I’ve been dreaming again and I am reminded of how fun it is! A blank slate. A fresh, new notebook and...