Old Stories

Old Stories

It’s midmorning on a Wednesday and I’m sipping a hot cup of coffee at my desk at the radio station. I hear my name being called, quite loudly, by my boss. He’s telling me to come into his office. He’s an older man, who has been working in this...


2 years ago I joined a group called RAW (Re-Awakening Wisdom Daily), facilitated by Alisha Wielfaert, Founder of Yoke and Abundance. We meet on zoom every morning to start our day with journaling, reflection and holding space for one another as we talk about some of...
Covering or discovering?

Covering or discovering?

“We often think of a mask as something that conceals our identity. Yet contemplate the possibility that The Mask permits our true identity to be revealed.” Meet my current masks: cancer. Vulnerability. My voice. You’ve heard me say that cancer has been a gift to me....
The In Between

The In Between

This is the card I pulled during my weekly Coffee & Community this morning. Its meaning was so spot on, that I wanted to share, in case it helps anyone else. I have been feeling quite a lot of anxiety lately. It’s a difficult place to be, because logically,...
Belief and Gratitude

Belief and Gratitude

This morning I was reminded of the power of gratitude and belief in myself, in others and in the Universe. Amidst my recent anxiety, it brought me peace and calm, to think about what I am grateful for and that the Universe is even grateful for me. For each and every...