Flow Funk

Flow Funk

Hello friends! I’m dropping another honest and vulnerable post here today. I guess perhaps you’ve come to expect that from me by now?!?! I’ve been in what I’m calling a “flow funk” lately. You know that feeling you get when you’re in the flow? Things are manifesting...
The In Between

The In Between

This is the card I pulled during my weekly Coffee & Community this morning. Its meaning was so spot on, that I wanted to share, in case it helps anyone else. I have been feeling quite a lot of anxiety lately. It’s a difficult place to be, because logically,...
Belief and Gratitude

Belief and Gratitude

This morning I was reminded of the power of gratitude and belief in myself, in others and in the Universe. Amidst my recent anxiety, it brought me peace and calm, to think about what I am grateful for and that the Universe is even grateful for me. For each and every...
Holy moly ENERGY!

Holy moly ENERGY!

Good morning friends! This is an unusually early morning for me. I set my alarm for 6:30am, which is already early, but couldn’t sleep and woke up long before that, after spending much of the night tossing and turning, with a mind full of thoughts. I don’t know if...
Lies, lies, lies….

Lies, lies, lies….

What lies are telling yourself? What limiting beliefs might you be placing on yourself that are holding you back from your showing the world your most amazing, most authentic self? Today, I found my way back to my spiritual practices of meditation and yoga. For some...